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Welcome to the Community Lorebooks!

Community Lorebooks (sometimes called Community Lores) is the home of not only Recap Time Squad projects' documentation and wiki sites, but as a domain service for other projects needing their own docs and wiki sites a custom (sub)domain without the pain of long domains1.

Get your own subdomain for free Donate to keep this running


  • Your own subdomain for your docs site or wiki (or anything personal or non-proft purpose) or even just your digital garden.
  • DNS records-as-code, powered by octodns - No more JavaScript bloated admin dashboards, just send us a patch to our DNS config and you good to go (Alternatively, you can manage records via GitHub Issues flow and others soon.2)
  • Free redirection and parking service, powered by proxypartylab - Got your own domain? Don't break links and let us (or contribute) your Caddyfile configuration.

Explore more

Welcome to the project homepage! Here you can know more about this project and more:

  • FAQs - Have an question about this domain/service? We got you covered.
  • Wiki Directory - Our directory of wikis under the domain and friends
  • Documentation - ho to troubleshoot things, reference docs and more
  • Legal Code - Consider reading our Hosting ToS and AUP before signing up.
  • Donate - Consider donating to this project to cover domain renewals and more.

  1. Our domain is 14 characters long, longer than and even, but you'll get it soon. 

  2. But we're open for community contributions to make that happen if you have the coding skills needed.