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Configuring redirects via proxypartylab

If you opt to use proxypartylab to redirect your docs/wiki subdomain somewhere else, especially when you have your own domain and you need to reserve the

The easy route

Use this GitHub issue form and follow instructions on how to fill it up. Once we approved the request, we'll take care the rest.

Alternatively, send a email in plain-text to mailing list on sourcehut, with subject [proxypartylab]: Request to add for and using the template below. Remember to replace any placeholders into real ones like your subdomain and the target URL for redirects.

### Domain to be added

### Target URL

### Please describe why you need this service

Your reason goes here, just replace this text with a real one.

<!-- delete the text below this line, including this if not neeeded -->
**Additional (sub)domain redirect routes**:
- sub.domain.tld: https://target-url.tld/owo
- domain-two.tld:

**Paths with target URL overrides**:
- /path1: https://another-url.tld/todo
- /path2:
- domain-two.tld/gtwscar:
<!-- delete the text above this line, including this if not neeeded -->

### Anything else?

* [ ] I need to proxy into the target URL instead of a simple redirect.
* [ ] Redirect all paths on the source URL
* [ ] I need to redirect some paths to other target URLs.
* [ ] I am redirecting/proxying more than one (sub)domain.

The merge request flow

Example config

gh:recaptime-dev/proxypartylab-caddy@main/config/caddy/gcp/projects/lorebooks-wiki.Caddyfile (simplified)
# This is the Caddy configuration for (and its related
# domains)
*, * {
  # snip other configuration

  @yourWikiSlugInCamelCase host

  # ..snip other request handlers

  handle @yourWIkiSlugInCamelCase {
    redir https://target-url.tld{path}

  # ..snip other handlers