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Support the project

The Community Lorebooks project is operating as a non-profit service and open-source project under Recap Time Squad and currently covered out of pocket by @ajhalili2006 for the domain renewal of and domains as well as the infrastructure that makes this (and other projects) run smoothly.

Fiscal sponsorship disclosure

Community Lorebooks, a Recap Time Squad project, is fiscally sponsored by The Hack Foundation (d.b.a. Hack Club), a 501(c)(3) US nonprofit (EIN: 81-2908499).

Have questions regarding our fiscal sponsorship status, need a invoice for your donation (on mailed US checks and bank deposits) or even considering corporate sponsorship or crypto donations? Email [email protected] with CC to [email protected].1

If you need to reach out to someone more directly at HCB, our point of contacts are:


The easiest way to donate online is through HCB, but we want to let you choose based on your preference.

HCB is Hack Club's in-house fiscal sponsorship platform + program for its partnered organizations, mostly teenager-led. Since we're fiscally sponsored through their program, we mainly use it to manage our finances as a team, alongside issuing donation invoices and handling reimbursements.

You can donate to our organization through the embedded donation form below. (Click here if the frame is too small) Donations in the US are tax-deductible to the extent by the IRS guidelines, as long as it is not in exchange for services/gifts.

Open Collective is a platform where communities can collect and disburse money transparently, to sustain and grow their projects. ([from their docs site])

While we use HCB as our main platform for our fundraising efforts with finanical transparency by enabling Transparency Mode, we still using Open Collective to make them organized as well as to track expenses and income outside the HCB platform.

If you choose to donate

If you are sponsoring projects and organizations via GitHub Sponsors, we also have set up one. It's linked to our restricted fund bank account details on HCB through Stripe Connect Express.

More ways to donate

Crypto? Bank checks in either US or PH? Anything else? Visit our umbrella organization's donate page for all the details.

Have questions?

Visit our donation FAQs or reach out to us at [email protected] (don't forget to CC the HCB team at [email protected]).

  1. Why carbon copy email to the HCB team? This way they can have the correspondence between you and the team, especially in things like invoices.